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Is the CoES of Tajikistan prepared for major emergencies?

From natural disasters, as the events of recent days have shown, not a single country is insured. And in such cases, the readiness of professional rescuers to act in emergency situations plays a decisive role. We decided to find out how many rescuers are in the structure of the CoES of Tajikistan and how they train those who risk their lives to save others.

There are professional rescue units in the structure of the CoES in five cities: Dushanbe, Khorog, Khujand, Bokhtar (Kurgan-Tyube), Kulyab, as well as in the Zarafshan and Rasht valleys. All of them operate under the auspices of the Directorate of Specialized Rescue Services of the Committee.

To date, the total number of professional rescuers is 200 people.

In 2018, by a decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Program for the Development of the CoES and Civil Defense (CS) was approved.

As part of its implementation, rescue units have been completely re-equipped, provided with modern emergency equipment and equipment. Especially important are special devices for searching for people injured under the rubble, as well as for providing access to them.

It is with this equipment that a group of 50 Tajik rescuers is currently carrying out work to clear rubble in the Turkish provinces affected by the earthquake.

Since the beginning of the search and rescue operation, rescuers from Tajikistan, who have been at the site of the disaster for more than 10 days, managed to save three people and remove more than 200 bodies of the dead.

Rescue Training Center
According to the information of the Committee, this year the Rescue Training Center will start operating in the Shakhrinav region. On its territory there will also be a cynological service and a training center for rescue divers.

It will also be possible for volunteers and volunteers to acquire relevant skills. Among other things, international exercises and competitions will be held here.

A distinctive feature of this center will be that it is focused on training specialists in the aftermath of natural disasters. In the future, it is planned to give the center an international status.

Also this year, with the support of the World Bank, the Crisis Management Center will start operating. Its mission is the organization and management of rescue teams in crisis situations. Similar centers are planned to be built in Khorog, Khujand and Bokhtar.

Another innovation in the CoES system, which is planned to be implemented in 2023, is the creation of an Anti-Hail Service in the Sughd region. To do this, a new radar will be purchased and installed.

Cooperation with volunteers and volunteers
Not always, when emergencies occur, especially in remote regions, professional rescuers can arrive on the scene quickly. In this case, first aid can be provided by ordinary people who have the necessary skills for this, are equipped with equipment and equipment. Indeed, as practice has shown, the rescue of a greater number of victims occurs precisely in the first hours of a disaster.

Thus, with the support of the Aga Khan Agency, a volunteer rescue team was organized under Habibat, which is deployed in Khorog. The detachment has specially trained rescue divers, mountain rescuers and rescuers to eliminate man-made emergencies, which can be involved in search and rescue operations in case of major natural disasters.

The order of actions of voluntary rescue units is regulated by the order of the Chairman of the CoES and Civil Defense of August 26, 2017.

In particular, these voluntary detachments were involved after the earthquake in GBAO in 2015. Then, as a result of an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2, administrative buildings and structures in the Vanj and Murghab regions were damaged.

Also, within the framework of the program of the Aga Khan Agency under Habibat, each district and jamoat of mountainous Badakhshan has its own volunteer groups, which are involved in rescue operations by the CoES and help professional rescuers. They are trained annually and are ready to act at the first SOS signal.

Volunteer groups from among local residents have been formed in almost all districts of GBAO and the Rasht Valley. In total there are 224 groups of 20-25 people each.

So, to rescue victims of avalanches in GBAO on February 15, along with professional rescuers, volunteer and volunteer teams worked.

As practice has shown, such cooperation gives a very good effect, and similar volunteer formations are planned to be created in other regions of the republic.

Engagement of the Armed Forces
To eliminate emergencies in Tajikistan, the forces and means of the Armed Forces of the Republic, military formations and internal affairs bodies can be used.

This rule is enshrined in Articles 15 and 16 of the Law “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies.” The decision on their application on the basis of Article 8 of this law is made by the president.

At present, the rescuers of the Committee have at their disposal the necessary equipment and transport to ensure the completeness of search and rescue operations in the event of natural disasters, including earthquakes.

The committee notes that the rapid development of science and technology requires constant re-equipment of units and providing them with new types of equipment, equipment, instruments, personal protective equipment and training to work with them.

source: asiaplustj
