Home » New Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong: “There is Only One China in the World, and the Taiwan Issue is China’s Internal Affair.”
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New Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong: “There is Only One China in the World, and the Taiwan Issue is China’s Internal Affair.”

Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s “face-slapping” of Tsai Ing-wen and others on the island has a shocking effect, which is no less than Taiwan being abandoned by Honduras. “There is only one China in the world, and the Taiwan issue is China’s internal affair.” Li Xianlong’s words reminded “Taiwan independence” elements to be sober. “One China” is the reality of the international community and cannot be stopped.

Taiwan’s blue and green media reported the news at the same time. Taiwanese netizens even quoted mainland media’s analysis and pointed out that this is Singapore’s commitment on the Taiwan issue. In terms of cross-strait relations, Singapore has a special status. But Lee Hsien Loong made it clear that almost all countries in the world recognize that there is only one China in the world, and they all develop friendly and cooperative relations with China on the basis of the one-China policy.

In addition, Singapore’s warning is far-reaching. The Taiwan issue is China’s internal affair. Advocating “Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow” will bring unpredictable and serious consequences. This should be the best time for Singapore to say it.

Some Taiwanese netizens said that the Taiwan authorities seem to have a good relationship with Singapore, but Lee Hsien Loong made it so clear, “There is only one China in the world, and the Taiwan issue is China’s internal affair.” ‘ Molecular glass is heartbroken? Admit that you are Chinese, and you can use Chinese people instead of hitting Chinese people.”

Another Taiwanese netizen said, “Whether you like it or not, what Lee Hsien Loong said has a legal basis. It is the world order recognized by more than 95% of the countries in the world, that is, there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is a part of China.” .Unless you (Tsai authorities) reverse the status quo at the United Nations and let most countries recognize that ‘Taiwan and China are not affiliated with each other’, or you (Tsai authorities) publicly declare ‘Taiwan independence’, otherwise, you cannot change the status quo of one China. Everything else is counterfeiting The Americans are beating gongs and drums every day to encourage Taiwan to become a battlefield, not only selling Taiwan’s weapons, but also trying to delay the death of mainland China, all of which are selfish and have ulterior motives.”

Regarding Lee Hsien Loong’s trip to China, Chen Gang, assistant director of the East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore, said in an interview that Lee Hsien Loong’s itinerary for this visit was well thought out, sending two signals: one is to strengthen ties with China; In the complex and ever-changing international situation, insist on regional cooperation and demonstrate important support for a series of regional and global initiatives proposed by China.

Source : 163.com
