Home » The Former President of the Philippines Visited China and Conveyed Marcos’ Statement. On the South China Sea Issue, the Philippines Gave a Letter of Approval.
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The Former President of the Philippines Visited China and Conveyed Marcos’ Statement. On the South China Sea Issue, the Philippines Gave a Letter of Approval.

As we all know, China and the Philippines have disputes over the South China Sea issue. There is no doubt that the sovereignty of the South China Sea absolutely belongs to China, but the Philippines still has some unrealistic illusions and tries to continue to insist on its improper territorial claims in the South China Sea. Since coming to power, the current Philippine government has been colluding with the United States and provoking China on the South China Sea issue one after another.

Former Philippine President Visits China

After entering this year, the Philippines has continued to collude with the United States in the military, allowing the United States to set up more military bases in the Philippines. At the same time, it also intends to strengthen military cooperation with Japan and other countries in order to obtain more defense support. As the Philippines takes more risky actions, China-Philippines relations are facing great uncertainties.

At a critical moment, former Philippine President Arroyo made a surprise visit to China. Arroyo served as President of the Philippines from 2001 to 2010. During her tenure, Arroyo visited China 15 times and made great contributions to promoting the development of China-Philippines relations, ushering in a “golden age” for China and the Philippines. After Arroyo stepped down, the relationship between China and the Philippines declined, but after Duterte came to power, the relationship between the two countries showed signs of recovery.

After Marcos came to power last year, the United States has been trying every means to win over the Philippines. However, from the current point of view, the Marcos government still attaches great importance to China-Philippines economic and other cooperation, but also believes that it should strengthen military cooperation with the United States, which will bring China-Philippines relations. to negative impact.

The former president of the Philippines made a statement

When asked whether it is possible for China and the Philippines to usher in the “golden age” again, Arroyo categorically gave an affirmative answer, and at the same time conveyed Marcos’ attitude. She said that Marcos believes that differences are not the whole of China-Philippines relations. The Philippines attaches great importance to the positive aspects of China-Philippines relations. The Philippines will continue to ensure the security environment, which will help the Philippines to carry out more rapid cooperation with other countries.

At present, the South China Sea issue is one of the biggest issues between China and the Philippines. However, Arroyo’s above statement is equivalent to giving a credible letter on the South China Sea issue, that is, the current Philippine government believes that the South China Sea issue is not the whole of China-Philippines relations. . Now that the two sides have reached a consensus on this issue, then various departments of the two countries must work hard for these consensuses, so as to promote the development of bilateral relations in a more positive and healthy direction.

In addition, the Philippines should understand that blindly allowing more foreign forces to intervene in the South China Sea issue will only make the South China Sea region more complicated, and even increase the risk of military conflicts among neighboring countries. This must be taken seriously by the Philippines. In this regard, China also needs to be fully prepared to deal with new changes that may occur at any time.

Source: baijiahao.baidu
