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Chilean President: Plan to Restitute Lands Claimed by Mapuche

“I come to make an invitation; I invite all the actors of the Araucanía region (south) to form a commission for peace and understanding, whose mandate will be to determine the land demand of the Mapuche communities clearly and to propose to the country concrete mechanisms, with concrete deadlines, to settle and repair this debt,” Boric said at a press conference.

On a two-day tour of the different cities of La Araucanía, the President emphasized that this commission “will not be to make diagnoses because enough have already been done.”

“This commission will take the recommendations that national and international organizations have made to seek a solution to the conflict in the region and once and for all, we will make them a reality; it will be a commission with an open agenda, where everyone will be able to put forward their points of view,” he said.

Boric explained that a land registry would be carried out that would consider all the lands that were usurped by the Chilean State from the 19th century onwards. However, he clarified that it would not be possible to return them all, nor would it be possible to complete the work before his term ends in 2026.

The plan’s objective is to end the constant arson attacks and acts of violence that have been taking place in the area for decades, the authorship of which is attributed to indigenous groups demanding the restitution of Mapuche lands.

Although during his candidacy, President Boric said that he would not resort to militarization to solve the conflict, on May 17, he opted to apply the measure. Since then, he has continuously requested permission from Congress to extend it.

Source : teleSUR
