Home » Latin America EV Market Share H1 2023, Part 2: The Growing Middle (Chile, Mexico, Dominican Republic, & Brazil)
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Latin America EV Market Share H1 2023, Part 2: The Growing Middle (Chile, Mexico, Dominican Republic, & Brazil)

Following up on our Latin American EV Market series, we continue now with countries that are further ahead of the “Laggards” but can’t be considered leaders. If you haven’t read it yet, you can find the previous article here: Latin America EV Market Share Part 1.

In this article, we’ll finally see countries surpassing the symbolic 1% market share, as well as meet some of the fastest growing EV markets in the region. So, let’s begin!

Sure, Chile is technically behind Ecuador and Panama in market share, but it has one of the most complete charging networks in the region and has recently surpassed Colombia as the country with the largest electric bus fleet anywhere outside of China. Even though things aren’t as hot as they should be, this is a country that’s trying, and I found it unfair to relegate it to the laggards group.

159,211 vehicles were sold in Chile in H1 2023. Of these, 777 were BEVs and 154 were PHEVs, for a 0.5% and 0.1% market share, respectively. It’s important to clarify that the plug-in sales here refer exclusively to light vehicles, as the official data does not specify how many electric trucks and buses were sold in this period (nor in the one before it). According to local newsletters, Chile purchased 107 new buses in H1 2023, so the actual market share could be a bit higher, almost reaching 0.7%. However, heavy duty vehicles don’t appear in the statistics we have access to

Source : Clean Technica
