Home » Chile: Red Alert Due to Rains Declared in the Bio Bio Region
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Chile: Red Alert Due to Rains Declared in the Bio Bio Region

On Sunday, Chilean authorities decreed a red alert for the Bío Bío region, due to floods and landslides after the rains that occurred over the weekend.

“According to what was reported by the General Water Directorate (DGA), it is indicated that the Fluviometric Network of the Bio Bio Region has registered Red Alert thresholds in the stations Ex-peaje Chaimavida in the commune of Concepción; station Aguas arriba del Salto del Laja in the commune of Cabrero and station Tucapel 2 in the commune of Tucapel,” declared the National Service for Disaster Prevention and Response (SENAPRED).

In this sense, the agency insisted that flooding occurred in populated sectors, due to the overflowing of rivers, streams and canals, damaging houses, infrastructure and roads.

Likewise, this entity asserted that “in consideration of these antecedents, which suppose an increase of the risk associated to this variable, the Regional Direction of SENAPRED Biobío, in coordination with the Regional Presidential Delegation, declares a regional Red Alert, due to overflowing, in force as of today and until the meteorological conditions so merit”.

SENAPRED had previously decreed a red alert for the communes of Tucapel, Los Ángeles, Cabrero, Laja and Yumbel, in the Bío Bío region, due to the overflowing of the Laja river.

On the other hand, another of the latest provisions issued by SENAPRED, declares an Early Preventive Alert for the communes of La Higuera, Vicuña, Paihuano, Río Hurtado, Monte Patria, Combarbalá, Illapel and Salamanca due to wind, as well as a yellow alert in the Metropolitan Region.

Source : Tele Sure
