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Layout A

Putin’s war is the cause of NATO enlargement

Reporting from the NATO summitWe’re now hearing from US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, who began by talking about NATO’s history and how the principle of collective security was formed in the wake of the Second World War. He noted that the “first and only time” NATO’s Article 5 was...

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Layout A2

Putin’s war is the cause of NATO enlargement

Reporting from the NATO summitWe’re now hearing from US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, who began by talking about NATO’s history and how the principle of collective security was formed in the wake...

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Layout A3

Reporting from the NATO summitWe’re now hearing from US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, who began by talking about NATO’s history and how the principle of collective security was formed in the wake of the Second World War. He noted that the “first...

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Layout B

Layout B1

Layout C


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Collaboratively harness market-driven processes whereas resource-leveling internal or "organic" sources. Competently formulate.