Home » The Layout of the East China Sea and the South China Sea, Japan Stepped on the Red Line, the Attitude of the Philippines Has Changed? The Chinese Army Will Never Be Used to
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The Layout of the East China Sea and the South China Sea, Japan Stepped on the Red Line, the Attitude of the Philippines Has Changed? The Chinese Army Will Never Be Used to

In recent years, due to various factors, Sino-Japanese relations have been stumbling. At the end of last year, Japan made a high-profile proposal to seek the ability to strike hostile bases and increase military expenditures, which means that Japan has made no secret of its ambition to seek military expansion. At the same time, Japan also intends to strengthen security cooperation with the Philippines and other countries, trying to deploy in the East China Sea and South China Sea at the same time. Obviously, Japan is trying to step on China’s red line in many directions, and the attitude of the Philippines has also undergone subtle changes.

Japan is ready to move.

In February this year, Philippine President Marcos visited Japan, during which he held a face-to-face meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. The two sides discussed strengthening humanitarian cooperation and reached important agreements during the period. It is worth noting that Marcos also mentioned that if it is indeed beneficial to the Philippines, then Japan and the Philippines will not rule out sending soldiers to each other.

Recently, Japan and the Philippines held a defense ministers meeting. The defense ministers of the two countries expressed concern over China’s military activities in the East China Sea and South China Sea, implying that China is changing the so-called “status quo” through these military actions, but the real tension in the East China Sea and South China Sea is the United States and its allies.

In this regard, the spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, Colonel Tan Kefei, said: “China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their adjacent waters. In response to individual countries’ infringement and provocations on the Diaoyu Islands and the South China Sea, the Chinese military will take necessary measures. , and resolutely defend its own territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.”

The Chinese army will not give up an inch of ground

In this regard, some Japanese media analyzed that as China’s activities in the East China Sea and South China Sea continue to increase, Japan and the Philippines intend to strengthen security cooperation in order to ensure the so-called “security”. In addition to believing that the Philippines can create obstacles for China in the direction of the South China Sea, Japan also believes that the Philippines can play a vital role in the Taiwan Strait issue.

Some analysts pointed out that the reason why Japan is eager to strengthen security cooperation with the Philippines is because Japan wants to use the Philippines to intervene in the South China Sea and Taiwan issues. In fact, whether it is the Diaoyu Islands, the South China Sea or the Taiwan issue, these issues are extremely sensitive, not only directly related to China’s core interests, but also have a major impact on the regional situation.

At present, Japan and other neighboring countries should recognize the facts, recognize that Taiwan is part of China and that the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands and the South China Sea belongs to China, and remember not to continue to have some unrealistic illusions. If the neighboring countries still want to provoke China, then the Chinese military will definitely take practical actions to show China’s determination to not give up an inch of territory, and will never allow any country to violate China’s territorial integrity.

Source: 163
