The Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan appreciated the implementation of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between Indonesia and Chile (IC-CEPA) which has been going well. He also pushed for the process of ratification of the services trade protocol in the IC-CEPA scheme to be completed this year.
“IC-CEPA has had a positive impact in the form of an increase in the trend of trade between the two countries by 21.4 percent in the last five years. Indonesia is also pushing for the IC-CEPA service trade protocol ratification process to be completed on target, namely this year. I ask for the Deputy Minister’s support for the implementation of the first Joint Commission Meeting,” said Trade Minister Zulkifli in Detroit, United States of America, Thursday, May 25, 2023.
This meeting took place on the sidelines of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Ministers Responsible for Trade/APEC MRT series of Trade Ministerial Meetings, 25–26 May 2023.
Trade Minister Zulkifli also welcomed the halal cooperation between Indonesia and Chile. The Chilean government became the first country to sign an MoU on Halal Product Assurance with Indonesia on November 9, 2022. The MoU aims to promote halal cooperation in the areas of quality assurance, compliance assessment, mutual recognition and promotion.
“We convey that Indonesia is very concerned about the potential and cooperation in the halal market. We hope that the value of trade in halal products between Indonesia and Chile can increase through the existing halal and IC-CEPA cooperation,” he said.
Sementara itu, Wamen Claudia menyampaikan bahwa Chile berkeinginan mengembangkan kerja sama dengan Indonesia di bidang mineral kritis (critical mineral). Mendag Zulkifli menanggapi, kerja sama tersebut dapat terwujud bila sejalan dengan kebijakan hilirisasi di Indonesia terkait ekspor produk pertambangan bernilai tambah.
Sekilas Perdagangan Indonesia–ChilePada 2022. Total perdagangan sebesar US$ 584 juta. Ekspor Indonesia tercatat US$ 355 juta dan imporIndonesia US$ 299 juta. Indonesia mencatatkan surplus US$ 125 juta.
Pada Januari—Maret 2023, total perdagangan Indonesia dan Chile tercatat sebesar US$ 99,4 juta. Ekspor Indonesia ke Chile mencapai US$ 57,1 juta dan impor Indonesia dari Chile US$ 42,3 juta. Indonesia menghasilkan surplus US$ 14,8 juta.
Pada 2022, komoditas ekspor utama Indonesia ke Chile antara lain kendaraan bermotor, pupuk mineral atau kimia, alas kaki, mesin penggiling mineral, serta getah dan ekstrak sayuran. Sementara itu, impor utama Indonesia dari Chile antara lain tembaga, anggur, bubur kayu, ikan beku, dan pupuk mineral atau kimia
Source : Tempo