Home » Verano Energy and Siemens Sign Important Collaboration Agreement – The Future of Green Hydrogen and Desalination in Chile
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Verano Energy and Siemens Sign Important Collaboration Agreement – The Future of Green Hydrogen and Desalination in Chile

Verano Energy and Siemens sign important collaboration agreement – the future of green hydrogen and desalination in Chile.

The renowned German company Siemens held in Santiago de Chile the event “Technology with a purpose: the future of green hydrogen and desalination in Chile”, where different topics related to sustainability in our country were addressed.

The event was attended by the Global CEO and President of Siemens, Dr. Roland Busch; the Minister of Economy (Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Turismo), Nicolás Grau; the former Minister of Energy and Mining and current Dean of the Business School of the Universidad Adolfo IbáñezJuan Carlos Jobet; the Vice President of the Chilean Hydrogen Association and Head of H2 Business Development at ENGIEAsunción Borrás; and the Vice President of Colbun S.ABernardo Larraín.

The meeting was attended by our CEO Dylan Rudney, COO Collin Hamilton, CFO Juan Wegner, and our Country Manager Chile Carolina Galleguillos, who on behalf of Verano Energy signed a Collaboration Agreement (MOU) with Siemens, which will help us achieve our NetZero goal through the development of green hydrogen via our project “Los Amigos de Verano”, which is located in the Antofagasta region, where we find the BEST solar resource on the planet.

In a world facing global energy and environmental challenges, these agreements represent the beginning of an unprecedented collaboration. They seek to generate positive impact, without losing sight of the joint search for innovative solutions focused on growth and sustainable development.

At Verano Energy, we are delighted with this new chapter that opens with Siemens. It’s a big step towards achieving our goals!

Source : hidrogencentral
